javAPRSSrvr 3.15b08 Copyright © 2010 ‑ Pete Loveall AE5PL | |
4 Dec 2024 02:14:22 GMT | |
Server ID | IW0URG-JS |
Sys Op | Siro IW0URG |
OS | Windows 7 |
JVM | Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_331 52.0 |
Total Up Time | 15d11h39m24.940s |
TCP Bytes In | 11.567.063.378 |
UDP Bytes In | 0 |
Total Bytes In | 11.567.063.378 |
Average bps In | 69.162 |
TCP Bytes Out | 1.636.936.968 |
UDP Bytes Out | 0 |
Total Bytes Out | 1.636.936.968 |
Average bps Out | 9.787 |
Total Valid Packets | 113.994.394 |
Total Duplicate Packets | 16.481 |
Total Rejected Packets | 1.325.543 |
Total Looped Packets | 0 |
Total Packets Processed | 115.336.418 |
Total 3rd Party Packets | 2.594 |
Total NOGATE Packets | 304 |
Total Server Message Packets | 0 |
Generic Queries Blocked | 0 |
Generic Queries Passed | 0 |
Total OpenTrac Packets | 0 |
Total Inbound Connects | 38 |
Total Inbound Disconnects | 36 |
Peak Inbound Connections | 5 |
Maximum Inbound Connections | 200 |
Current Inbound Connections | 3 |
Current Outbound Connections | 1 |
Receive Queue Depth (ms) | 0 |
Server Adjunct | |
javAPRSFilter 3.1b02 | © 2004-2007 - Roger Bille SM5NRK |
Packets preprocessed | 113.994.394 |
Packets passed | 10.385.334 |
Packets excluded | 0 |
Stored Position packets | 861.930 |
Stored Positionless Weather packets | 290 |
Stored Igate's | 1 |
IGate Adjunct | |
javAPRSIGate 2.3b06 | Copyright © 2009 - Peter Loveall AE5PL |
IGate Callsign | IW0URG-12 |
Status | Not gating to RF |
Packets Gated to Server | 22.241 |
Packets Gated to RF | 65.478 |
Messages Gated to RF | 0 |
Maximum Digi Hops for Local Stations | 5 |
History Time for Station Lists (minutes) | 30 |
Recently Heard Stations | 5 |
Local RF Stations | 4 |
Directly Heard Stations | 2 |
Bytes Sent to RF | 9.753.595 |
Bytes Received from RF | 1.674.873 |
javAPRSDigi 3.1b03 | Copyright © 2009 - Pete Loveall AE5PL |
Digipeating | false |
Total Packets Seen | 22.244 |
Long Paths Seen | 0 |
Packets Digi'ed | 8.138 |
Duplicate Digi'ed Packets Seen | 337 |
AGW Interface 4.0b02 | Copyright © 2005 - Pete Loveall AE5PL |
TNC Port Number | 1 |
Outbound Connections | |||||||||||||
Server | q Addr | Verified | Software | Connected | Packets Rcvd | Packets Sent | Bytes Rcvd | Bytes Sent | Rcv bps | Send bps | Last Packet In | Looped Packets | Queue Depth(ms) | | 555AB41A | Yes | aprsc 2.1.19‑g730c5c0 | 12d23h30m46.953s | 95.927.057 | 42.552 | 9.727.734.954 | 4.028.026 | 69.394 | 28 | 00.016s | 0 | 0 |
Available Ports | |
Port Number | Description |
10152 | Full APRS-IS Feed |
14580 | Europe Feed |
1314-14580 | Message-only Feed |
14501 | Status Server HTML |
14511 | Status Server TXT |
Inbound Connections | |||||||||||||||
Port | Client | Callsign | Verified | Software | SA Setting | Connected | Packets Rcvd | Packets Sent | Bytes Rcvd | Bytes Sent | Rcv bps | Send bps | Last Packet In | Looped Packets | Queue Depth(ms) |
IGate | IW0URG‑12 | Yes | javAPRSIGate 2.3b06 | 15d11h39m21.914s | 49.727 | 113.953.953 | 3.802.447 | 13.441.206.680 | 22 | 80.368 | 20.140s | 0 | 0 | ||
14580 | | IW0URG | No | UI‑View32 V2.03 | a/45/7/36/19 | 15d11h38m55.550s | 744 | 4.969.594 | 55.843 | 621.511.850 | 0 | 3.716 | 08m38.889s | 0 | 0 |
14580 | | IK8VKW | Yes | UI‑View32 V2.03 | a/45/7/36/19 | 09h23m16.773s | 165 | 121.373 | 14.226 | 15.304.931 | 3 | 3.622 | 23m00.836s | 0 | 0 |